Why My Genesys Works Skills Training Experience Was Unforgettable

March 10, 2021

By Amairany Nava Palacios

Through summer skills training, I expanded a lot of skillsets, including technology, communication, leadership, and so much more! Because of how much I grew and the support Ii received; my summer training experience was an unforgettable one.

During training, I really struggled with communication. It was difficult for me to reach out, ask questions, and start conversations, but my program coordinator Carly and technical trainer Carie really helped me come out of my shell. During an icebreaker activity, we popcorned from one person to the next, so I never knew when it would be my turn. It was scary at first, but after a while, I looked forward to this exercise! Some were really goofy, which not only made me leave my comfort zone but also helped me grow closer to my cohort.

At Genesys Works, everyone is so welcoming, which helped me feel heard. Even though it was virtual this year, I still met a lot of new people and experienced such a welcoming environment! All of the positive energy really motivated me to speak up, and I’m glad I did because it led to many new opportunities. Without the supportive environment of my training cohort and the fun and challenging activities like informational interviews, ice-breakers, and breakout room conversations, it would’ve been much more difficult to break out of my shell.

Another major part of the training experience was learning technology basics. I was really nervous about going into Genesys Works with no knowledge in technology. Genesys Works was there supporting me every step of the way! I went in knowing nothing, and now, I know a lot more than I thought I would. During the learning process, we had a guide to help us that was available 24/7 as well as our cohort, program coordinator, and technical trainer available for help! We would meet during summer training and walk through what we just practiced. Their lessons are set up in a way that is easy to learn, which made me love receiving new projects to work on!

In addition to technical skills, you also receive training in professional skills. Genesys Works teaches you how to write professional emails, which has helped me a lot, both at my Target internship and outside of my internship. While training can feel intimidating, Genesys Works will be there to train you and help you grow. Writing professional emails has been really important to my internship because at Target, we have “Get to Know You’s” and have to reach out to team members throughout the entire Target network to schedule a “Get to Know You” meeting. I also learned how to “seem big.” Since we are virtual, it’s a bit hard making your presence known in a confident way, but I learned to use my body language and use a clear voice. I was really, really shy before Genesys Works but after training I really opened up and feel so much more comfortable reaching out to people and making my presence known.

Genesys Works is definitely something that every high school student should try because they help you in so many areas: technology, communication, leadership, and so much more. I will never regret joining Genesys Works because it has impacted my life in the best way possible.

Amairany Nava Palacios is a Class of 2021 intern who currently holds a position at Target. She is also a student ambassador for the Genesys Works program, seeking to recruit the next class of young professionals from her high school, Brooklyn Center High School.

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