For the past month, a normal work-day has looked quite different for our supervisors and interns. But, while circumstances have changed, many have stepped up to the new challenge with optimism and creativity.
So, this month, we’re sharing insights and reflections from a few interns who are demonstrating #IsolationInnovations. As you’ll read, they have taken the initiative to work on new projects, have remained organized, and have certainly taken advantage of the short commute!
How are you demonstrating #IsolationInnovation and continuing to be a successful young professional right now?
“For me personally, the best I can do to make sure that I’m being a successful intern is reach out to my summer and internship program coordinators, supervisors, co-workers, and other interns within my own cohort just to check in, gain advice and insights, and to receive help on work-related issues. I also check in daily with my supervisor to see what my workload would look like and whether I can do anything else, not only for him but also for the team and even for me.” – Victor Vang, TCF Bank intern supervised by Barry Deblieck
“I’m demonstrating #IsolationInnovation by keeping up with a routine. When I wake up, I continue with my daily routine (as if I were getting ready for work), and then I create a to-do list of what I need to accomplish for the day or week. Next, I start work (completing training modules). Sometimes, I will take a brain break by taking a drive. When I get back I continue working on my to-do list, and then, when I have free time, I organize my office or my room to keep things in order. I’ve been trying to keep control of what I can and not freak out over everything going on because there’s nothing I can do about what’s going on outside. I’m only worrying about my circle of influence (my words, my behavior, my actions).” – Julia Lucyk, college intern at Target supervised by Maria Orellana
“As a young professional, I am contributing more of my time to taking more initiative. As given the opportunity to explore additional assignments, I am determined to work even harder than if I was working at the office. I’m learning what it’s like to be a remote worker in this extreme opportunity. As it does give me more time than it did before commuting, I’m investing my time to learn new skills as a developing young professional. I’m taking this opportunity now to do more than before to prove that I am capable and trustworthy of handling situations like this, even when they appear out of nowhere. I am taking this time to take more initiative, not only for my internship but also invest in myself to be better for the future.” – Jennifer Santiago, Thomson Reuters intern supervised by Brad Loya
Thank you to all of our hardworking young professionals and to our supervisors who continue to invest in their growth and make internships meaningful. Genesys Works only works because of each and every one of you.